Don’t wait for motivation, create it with these simple life coach tips

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What’s motivation really about?

First, let’s be honest with ourselves, have you ever said?

“I just cannot be bothered right now.”
“I just can’t find the motivation to get going.”

Sometimes it’s not about the word ‘motivated' it is actually about the words ‘care factor’ so if you aren’t motivated to do the thing you wish to do, start by asking yourself “do I care enough about actually doing that?”

Recall that time when everything felt easy, you were in such a beautiful flow and it all felt like one moment ran into the next moment fueling the want for more.

Dopamine is often spoken about as the feel good chemical being released in the body but it is also the little wonder fuel that creates craving in us and the want for more.

Do you struggle finding motivation because of something else happening in your life that presents a distraction? Or is it a matter of a lack of attraction to the task at hand?

There are 2 types of motivation:

  1. Intrinsic motivation is when you do something because you find it rewarding.
    Meaning, you don’t wait for motivation to come find you, you are driven to find it, to achieve what you set out to do.

  2. Extrinsic motivation is when you do something for external benefits such as receiving rewards or to avoid punishment.
    In other words, you wait for motivation to come to you, from an external source, which you hope will get you what you want.

Anyone thinking that they’re just not the can-get-motivated type?

Now, that's BS!

B is for Behaviour(s)

If you don’t wait for motivation, then what?

There are many excuses someone who can’t get motivated will find to explain their unmotivated state.

“I am only motivated when others are driving me forward.”
“I need others to help motivate me.”
“I need someone to push me and turn my motivation into results.”

The motivation here depends on someone else’s presence and accountability put on you, by them.

This dynamic, when broken, often leads to the inevitable “oh well, no one is around and I just can’t motivate myself. I will start tomorrow.”

C'mon, that's real BS!

S is for Strategies

What does it look like when you don’t wait for motivation?

When you don’t wait for motivation to magically appear or come back in your life, you start taking back control. You create it.

To create motivation when you need a boost, here is what you can do.

Start with being absolutely crystal clear on what it is that you are looking to achieve, the very thing that you need that huge motivation for. Often people struggle to get motivated because they are still fuzzy on what they are aiming to do.

From there:

  • Answer - Why is this important to you? Not others but you.

  • Find the internal fuel and reasons to push past the moments of “I can’t be bothered” (remember intrinsic vs extrinsic)

  • Ask yourself - What do I want most in life? Does this thing fit into that?

  • Determine which is worse: failing or never trying?

Lastly, look for the thing that might actually be creating a distraction for you right now. Your motivation might have dropped away because you have started a new job, found the love of your life or you simply haven't dedicated time to the task at home.

The thing that is taking away your focus on the bigger picture, is it that important?
At this point, it is about dedicating time to putting in the work.

They say “mood follows action” so don’t wait for motivation, create it. You might not feel super motivated now so just get moving in some small way and watch your mood follow.

Motivation will start in the morning.

Win that first battle of getting up to be purposeful. Sometimes, you only have to change your morning routine to start right and stay motivated for the rest of the day.

Lastly, don't forget to take the time to praise yourself for progress, no matter how small. That comes back to internal rewards and we all need a little bit more of that.

Someone else said about this

“If you can get through doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness.”
David Goggins

Remember that at any stage, you can book a free chat with me if you need help with motivation and more - no pressure, no commitment.

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