Why does my life suck? Does it though?

5min read

Topic: My life sucks


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Why does my life suck?

We all experience that feeling at some stage in our lives, but for some, it's felt across everything that they do, in every interaction that they have. The strategies below are designed to get you back to a healthy level of this feeling. Maybe even make it stop?!

Here are a few real life scenarios:

Reality: The kids never pick up their shoes.
Thought: OMG, this place will be a shitshow FOREVER. Why does my life suck?

Reality: It’s raining outside.
Thought: The weather is crap again and my life looks the same, no sunshine in sight! Why does my life suck?

Reality: My partner isn’t very good at folding the washing.
Thought: That’s it, if they can’t even do that properly, how will this relationship work? Why does my life suck?

Reality: We had to cancel our holiday, the one we have done every year for the last 10 years in a row.
Thought: The year is RUINED, honestly I just can’t catch a break. Why does my life suck so bad?

You see? The reality may be far from ideal and picture perfect but the thought pattern you create is 10x worse than what actually happened and then here’s the kicker…

... you miss out on what you have right now!

Now, that's BS!

B is for Behaviour(s)

Never seeing the good side of life and believing everything in your life sucks can look like this:

  • You’re unhappy all the time.

  • You’re either quiet or loud and angry.

  • You find no joy in most things. Never feel grateful or satisfied.

  • You’re missing great stuff in the present, thinking about all the old and outdated stuff…

  • You find yourself wishing that this moment would be over and onto the next one, hoping the next one will be better than the last one.

I understand that most people want more than they’ve got. It’s the big problem facing humans, and certainly it has magnified during the age of smartphones and social media platforms, where curated perfection can lead to really thinking that you don’t have much.

BUT the statement of ‘woe is me’ will never ever get you moving towards a better life, if anything, it will keep you stuck in neutral.

C'mon, that's real BS!

S is for Strategies

So WHY does my life suck?

First question to ask yourself is:

  • Does life really suck that bad?

  • Have you been caught up in a loop of bad feedback with yourself?

You know the one where you get in such a state that it’s tough to be objective…


Questions to reflect on:

  1. What is causing agitation in your life right now?

  2. Is it really as bad as it seems?

  3. What can you do about this to change your perspective?

Reality: The kids don’t pick up their shoes.
Thought currently: That’s it, this place will be a shitshow FOREVER.
New perspective: Let’s have some fun and turn this into an activity to pass the time and create team work.

Then, apply these strategies daily

  • Ask yourself: What good exists in your life right now?
    How can you engage with that more than the sucky stuff?

  • Practice gratitude journaling everyday. Find one thing each day that shows you how much a gift your life is.

  • Remind yourself that everything does pass and this shall too.

  • Answer: What lesson can I learn and accept with a smile versus what is being forced upon me?

  • Shift your body language, try a smile. It doesn't fix everything but it might just shift your mood.

If you have kids - think of this when they are pushing every button you have.
My kids are their own little people and I need to see them for who they are. They had 1 in a 4 trillion chances of existing… that’s pretty amazing.

If you don’t have kids - remember, YOU are also 1 in 4 trillion chances of existing too and that’s worth loving each moment of life you have, even when it feels a little heavy.

Someone else said about this

“No matter how interminable something feels, there is always, always an ending. Sometimes that’s good, and sometimes it’s bad; sometimes it’s a matter of indifference, and sometimes it’s heartbreaking, and your life is never the same thereafter.”
Ann Aguirre

If you're feeling this way and that's become part of your life, you're not being dramatic. Don't push it down, ignore it or just deal with it. There is always something that can be done. So do it.

Remember that at any stage, you can book a FREE 30min chat with me - no pressure, no commitment.

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