You don’t need motivation you need discipline


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A 5 step-plan before moving forward

Another half of the year… gone! Just like that.

It’s getting closer…
The weather is warming up…
Soon we’ll talk about Christmas…
Share holiday plans…
Talk New year resolution(s)… to finally get started!

“I’ll do that next year” you say.
Yet, your motivation still sits just above rock bottom, coupled with no clear, defined action plan.

This is not another motivation 101 blog, it's a step-by-step formula to create that very plan that will get you on the move!

Get the foundations of your plan right before moving forward

Just getting started on defining what it is that you want to achieve can sometimes be the biggest hurdle to overcome!

How often have you said those things to yourself?

“I don’t know how to move forward.” "I just don't have the motivation right now." or "Just waiting to get motivated."


“It feels so far away… too big to achieve or to even get started.”

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t need the motivation of the Spartan army. Before moving forward in an unknown direction, you just need to get the first few moments right and I promise you, the rest will fall into place.

B is for Behaviour(s)

You don’t need motivation you need discipline

Why do I believe that?

I loved a recent post from Shane Parrish (thought leader and superstar) which supports this belief, he said:

"Motivation is a trap. We often avoid action because we convince ourselves we need motivation. You don't need motivation, you need action."

I couldn't agree more.

I see this frequently with new life coaching clients or even potential clients when I first talk to them. When it comes to making changes in their life, it’s the not taking action part that is the issue.

They don’t have the discipline that it takes yet and because of that, they are waiting to get motivated, the task seems too big or they are just not connected to the big reason why they must do the very thing they want to do.

Furthermore, the plan they have often starts at step 6… missing out on steps 1 to 5!

S is for Strategies

Follow this plan before moving forward: results guarantee

So let’s assume you are crystal clear with WHY this matters because you did read my previous blog on motivation. You are clear on how good it will feel to succeed and why you should sacrifice your time and energy to set out on this journey.

From there, if it is true that you don’t need motivation you need discipline, then here is a step-by-step action plan to get you moving in the right direction.

Whether you are stuck on the start line or simply lacking motivation, this plan will work if you stick to it.

Step 1

Clearly identify what you are looking to achieve, what success looks like. Have this crystal clear in your mind, every little detail.

Step 2

On a wall that you walk past all of the time, place a big blank sheet of paper. Write down every little detail you can answering these questions:

  • Where will you achieve this?

  • Who will be with you?

  • What will you be wearing?

  • What does success sound, feel and smell like?

At the top, give this mission a project name e.g. My healthy, happy body project or My big audacious job goal.

Step 3

Create 5 habits that you need to implement over the next 5 weeks. Those habits are meant to get you heading in the right direction of achieving this very project you now have crystal clear detail on.

Yes, we want to achieve what we set out to do, but it's not necessarily about reaching the destination straight away. It is about building purposeful actions towards the vision you have and feeling good about the process, creating the craving for more!

Step 4

Picture: what does the first 3 minutes of each habit look like? Think of it in as much detail as you can. Get super clear on the little actions you need to take in order to start the habit in the best possible way before moving forward. And stick with it!

Step 5

Then, let tomorrow begin with the first 3 minutes of habit number 1.

Focus as intensely as you can to be the best version of you for those 3 mins. Connect with this, feel yourself achieving and I bet you won’t give up there… you will keep doing the habit you have started, energised about what you are doing.

Lastly, repeat this every 7 days for the following 4 weeks, for each new habit.

Someone else said about this

“One day or day one… it’s your decision.”

If you need further help with getting things moving forward, book a FREE chat with me - no pressure, no commitment.

Love it, discuss it, share it #thatsbs


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