Why a life coach?

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”
Tony Robbins


Why a life coach, coach, spiritual coach, personal coach...so many types of coaches. It’s confusing.

Some of the questions we (coaches) usually get asked are:

So what makes a coach worthwhile?

Do I need a life coach?

Why would I spend my money on a coach?

What is a coach going to teach me about me, that I don’t already know?

I am not in a crisis, why would I need a coach?

All fair questions to be asking when thinking about why to use the services of a Life coach.

Instead of jumping straight into my thoughts as a coach, read this exert from this great article talking to the power of coaching and who can benefit from a skilled coach!

“All of the highly successful individuals I know have coaches. They might be health coaches, leadership coaches, or life coaches. But bottom line? They have someone helping them level up, make positive changes, optimise their life, and become the person they want to be. I knew I needed to hire a coach because I have been trying to make important changes on my own for over five years and I was finally willing to admit to myself that I was not a superhuman and that, I too, needed help sometimes.

At first, it’s incredibly difficult to get a clearer view of yourself, but this is exactly what I wanted from a high-quality coach. And I’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of the inner work that I need to do! What I’m most excited about now is the possibility that has opened up for my personal and professional growth.”

You don’t need a life coach, you need the right life coach for you

We are all different, we all have our unique stories that have shaped our beliefs and values, those beliefs and values have in-turn shaped our actions thus the results in our lives. 

The right life coach can help you understand those beliefs and results in your life and help you create when necessary new beliefs and habits that will lead you to your goals.

People are right in thinking “how can a coach teach me more about myself”. There’s a lot of truth to this assumption, no one knows you as well as you know yourself, after all you spend 24 hours a day with you but that doesn't really matter as that isn't the role of a coach. 

A life coach doesn't need to know you better than yourself to be effective, a coach is there to help create the space and opportunity where you can be yourself in a way where you won't be judged or limited, allowing you to explore more deeply what you are thinking and the emotions involved with it. A life coach is there to help you discover your TRUE goals and what could be blocking you from achieving them or in many cases help you break the barriers of what you have done thus far in becoming successful but not fulfilled or from good to great to amazing! 

A life coach is there to help you create the game plan that will get you to your goals just like a sporting coach creates the game plan for his team and they execute it together.

A life coach uncovers the blind spots in your life

You see sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees when the emotions of life are running high or you are used to doing things as you always have, this is rather common for people in their 30s, 40s and 50s. We can have all kinds of advice coming to us (internal and external) and that advice can be fuelled with different emotions, opinions and motives depending on who is giving it and so the views, advice and actions may then become unaligned with what you are truly trying to do. 

A life coach provides support that is non-judgemental, unbiased and only there to serve you to get to your goal, nothing else should be on their agenda. The coach’s role is 100% to ensure you articulate where you want to go by creating crystal clear awareness and help you figure out how you are going to get there in a way that is designed by you, for you. A good life coach will hold you accountable and really understand where you have gotten stuck in the past to ensure it isn't part of the future.

Finding the right life coach is paramount

If you are thinking about a life coach, here’s what can you do next but in the end take the step to follow your gut and make it a reality:

  1. Follow their social pages and read their content to see if this resonates with you.

  2. Ask for an initial meeting to see if you can work together and you have a connection.

  3. Find out their methods of working, training and reasons why they are a coach.

  4. Do they have certification

  5. Read testimonials from people they have worked with.

  6. Be clear you have the resources (money), time and energy to really give it a go. 

This is about creating impact and change that you want to last, so don't expect it to be easy as you break a few moulds along the way. 

Shout out to all the coaches looking to create change with their clients and awesome work by those people willing to dive deep into their lives to go long for success!

So, why a life coach? You tell me!


    This initial video call is relaxed, it is for answering as many questions as you might have about how we can work together and focuses on providing you with an understanding about the techniques and strategies that will be used to help you. No pushy sales pitch, just more clarity for you about the methodology I use with my clients.
    >>> find out how I can help you | book


    If you’re at the stage where you know you want to make change and you’re committed to making it work, go straight to my coaching programs page and choose either the 21-day (Lightning), 50-day (Change) or the 90-day (Power) program.
    >>> send me an email to get started


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